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Thursday, September 18, 2008

3 months nv blog le. Now on my block leave from NS and really losing motivation sia while during this block leave. This block leave seems so long yet short at the same time. Tml get posting le. Dunno how shld i feel lor, since you can't do anything much once u get ur posting. But the 3 months in tekong have been a wonderful experience. Meeting new ppl, talking cock and also all the nonsense/crazy stuff tt we jarguar platoon 1 have did tgt. Thinking back, we really cockster sia. Still rmb, the first few days when trying to get to know one and another. Everybody seems so diff from now. But i am still glad tt i went into ptp and into the company jarguar as i met a lot of nice ppl and in the end made gd friends with them.

Yesterday went batam with them, is a nice and short trip. Went for my first foot massage and was really scared that it was really painful lor. Thought tt the 1 and an half hour would be a very long time but time passes quite quickly. Did not expect there would be a tv there. So watch the tv and time passes even more quickly. Conclusion is enjoy the trip and the ppl who go with me.

i hope my next phase of army life would be even more enjoyable but a lot of ppl say the only gd time in ns is during bmt phase which is true. I find it fun and enjoyable. Watever posting i get tml, i hope my life there would be a enjoyable one.

Will find more time to blog. Hope at least once a week. Time to change blogskin if i have the time

~ { 11:32 PM }
remembering the days when u were by my side

Thursday, June 05, 2008

i just want to blog about it. Ya i think my perception of life need a change. i need to have a more pesstimistic life outlook as i dun think hope is out there somewhere anymore. but i will carry on walking forward, waiting for tt day to come

~ { 12:46 AM }
remembering the days when u were by my side

Monday, June 02, 2008

i dun believe in miracle anymore, maybe i shld just believe in luck instead. I am such a idiot.

~ { 2:20 AM }
remembering the days when u were by my side

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Yeah is rotting here. Dun feel like blogging the last few months. Been rotting at home after the trip to bangkok. Was terrible as i was sick during the trip to bangkok. Anyway is over and after tt derrick intro me a job which i worked for 3 weeks and during tt time there was also a graduating ceremony which i find it quite boring. After the ceremony, a few of us went to swensen to eat our dinner.

Yesterday was the last day of my work. Our manager elsie is a very nice person and keep treating us tea break and a lunch. Haha and our job is finally done and i can escape from those "errors".

*i dunno can i can do anymore, i am just in a loss.
Pls take anything from me to grant my selfish wish *

~ { 6:36 PM }
remembering the days when u were by my side

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Was at HQ today. Bought the printer to HQ and install. Was hoping it can be done in one day but we dun have the pw to enter the computer. Hais...... Then found out the cert can go up to 200 gsm and the printer can printer up to 120 gsm. Lucky is a cheap 3 in 1 printer. At least it can replace the old printer. The old printer can also be used in camps or event to print last min stuff.

Then stayed with chub for the promotion exercise. But the result, chub was happy with it. Can't say the result yet. Haha. They will find out for themselves.

Lucky i stayed. Enjoy the talk we had in the room with wen xu,chub,fida and zi peng. Haha gossiping, talking about corp stuff....... fun time to burn.

then later went with fida and chub to go army market eat before going home. Hais wat am i going to do tml. Boring boring boring.......

~ { 2:52 AM }
remembering the days when u were by my side

Saturday, March 22, 2008

i am offically out of job. Hais...... Rot at home so bored sia... I want to find a job but i am going overseas on 8 april till 15 april. Going with another 3 friends and hope i can enjoy the holiday there. I am really worried if there are any trouble or problems tt arise from there. Afterall i am the main person organising it.

So i have been to all sjab event this yr. I am really getting a bit bored of it too. I guess i will tone down after games day. If not is really tired. I guess the most impt thing is the corp issue. After it is done i guess is about time to go NS. Hmmm I still feel that i am in sjab, i haven't found the place that i belong. Is a mix feeling...... And ppl not in sjab won't understand it!!!! i finally realise that.

I just feel that i just dunno wat i want yet at the moment thus i am so confused now. The only gd news i guess is i graduated smoothly.

~ { 1:55 AM }
remembering the days when u were by my side

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

i wanted to change the blog skin for my blog but i haven't see anything tt is worth to change right now. I guess i would have to change it tml. I guess i have to find time tml to clean up my room. Hope i can find work soon. I just i will go off to sleep now. Tired......

~ { 1:55 AM }
remembering the days when u were by my side